Tuesday 28 February 2017

World View from outback bunker

Looking out , into the precious atmosphere of the Outback ...
I am not confronted by mental hazards (which members of the federal parliament are , when Malcolm Turned Toxic ( PM ) appears out of the darkness.
I can look outside and not see any raving lunatics who have lost all their 
" lollies under the table "( lost their marbles ).
The state of mental health in the liberal party cabinet ( ministers of absurdity )
is not as healthy as a cuckoo bird in a faulty clock.
Out here in the Outback, everything is in its rightful place .
In Canberra ( parliament house ) everything is " upside down and twisted"
Mr Turned Toxic ( PM) looks like his policies ~ sick , tired and impotent.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

New naziland entertainment

The creepy characters from new Nazi land ( nz ) - the stone hearts , always have something sneaky up their sleeve , ready to shaft us Aussies.
Watch out for the syringes of Satan , which they secretly carry with them .

Immoral Immigration

The photo below shows the Australian Immigration minister , in a session with a nz dominatrix or mistress , just prior to make a policy speech in parliament.
The Australian ministers love taking it up the arse from nz imports .

Political Arse Worshippers

The Australian political ( piss weak ) pinheads , who supposedly run the country have many dark secrets .
One is that , before entering the chamber for the  sitting of parliament ,
Male MPs participate in Arse worship sessions with new naziland or nz  prostitutes  .
Sent directly from Auckland .
The Australian political pinheads are ' in bed ' with the nz government , so anything goes between the two .